Every year we receive countless Christmas cards, and we’re left with small scraps of paper after the flurry of wrapping gifts. Instead of wasting these items once the holidays are over, you can upcycle them into gift tags!

When professional organizer Jeanie Engelbach of Apartment Jeanie decided she was tired of all the waste, she came up with a way to repurpose scraps of wrapping paper into something useful.
“I had too many little scraps of gift wrap that were too small to use on a package but also too big to say it was garbage,” Jeanie says. She simply cuts them into the shape of a gift tag and saves them for next year’s labels!
Mystery Gifts
Her household didn’t prioritize labeling gifts when she was young. Christmas morning would come, and it was always a mystery which present belonged to which family member.
“Now I really believe in gift tags so you know who gets what gift,” she says. So gather up your scraps of leftover paper and see what you can create with some glue, card stock and your imagination!

We picked some of our favorite ideas from Jeanie’s collection to share how you can make your own upcycled gift tags. For ideas on upcycled wrapping paper, check out this post.
Upcycled Fashion
This fashionable gift tag is reminiscent of a vintage sewing pattern, but it's actually a piece of gift wrap! Jeanie ripped some pieces of gold polka dot washi tape and placed it on the edge of the tag to give it a pattern contrast. She adhered the piece to an office supply tag for support.
Jolly Old St. Nick
Santa Claus is coming to town with this recycled Christmas card idea! Jeanie added a black border behind the card and gave it a card stock foundation for stability. "When you repurpose cards, use a paper cutter to make sure it's a clean cut," she says.
Worth a Thousand Words
Let the tag speak for itself with this scrap gift wrap option. Jeanie added a line of green Washi tape on the edge for a pop of color and adhered the paper to an office supply tag. "One strip of thin washi tape will give it a finished look like a hem," she says.
The Perfect Pattern
Jeanie took advantage of a repeating pattern on the front of a Christmas card and cut it out to fit a rectangular tag. The bordered paper underneath is a scan of a vintage wallpaper pattern. She scanned it to ensure a smooth finish rather than use the thick paper itself. They are also adhered to a card stock base.
Merry and Bright
Gift tags don't have to have a hole with a string to adhere them to a gift. For recycled Christmas card tags, you can always tuck them into the gift's ribbon or use a dab of glue to stick it right on the package itself! Just make sure if you're using glue that the person's name is on the front of the tag.
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Puppy
This puppy reindeer is another recycled holiday card idea for the dog lover in your life! Even though the card has a green background, Jeanie wanted to give it drama with a black edge. "When you create layers, it gives it the look of an intentional card," she says.
Eclectic Patterns
Gift wrap comes in many colors and styles—some of them not even holiday related. But that's when you can experiment with patterns that match your loved one's personality. Or the pattern can hint to the present inside!
Peace on Earth
If the pattern you choose works well with a rectangular shape, you can encourage the gift receiver to use it as a bookmark! Jeanie lined this pattern with a dark card stock to help it stand out.